The Moggers Blue Print

You might be wondering, “Why would anyone make a course on How to be Good Looking”.

Because if a Man is Truly Masculine then he doesn’t have to be a Supermodel. Just his Presence and his accomplishments will speak for itself.

That is Correct.

But we also need to accept that there are some people who are average or below average in looks, “Looks aren’t everything” – These types of statements are only spoken by Extremely good looking people or those who look moderately okay.

I started becoming insecure about my looks at the age of 16.
All I ever wanted was to LOOK AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF.

I finally got the answer for that, A Man can Truly be Happy when he knows where he is going, what his Purpose is and what’s the End Goal. So I started researching on Facial Features and how we can Improve it. I don’t want to look like any super model, I just want my face to look as good as it can look.

“The Mogger BluePrint” is a Red Pill Guide. After completing it you’ll know exactly how you can mog the shit out of people.

Masculine Faces always has good Bigonial Width which in normal terms means broad Jaw.

Perfectly Visible Mandible Bone is Cherry on top. It shows that you’re healthy and the opposite gender gets easily attracted to you because you have good genetics to pass on.

Whatever you think the importance of a Neck is – increase it by 10x cause even if you have a good jawline it won’t look good if you have a thin neck.

It is very important to develop our Maxilla forward and the best way to do that is by Mewing. You can say that it’s just about making your tongue stay up on the palate but most of us don’t do it correctly and there are also 3 most important things that we need to do while mewing.

What will You Receive?

1. 7 Chapters

It is in video format which is longer than 1 hour. After you complete that Video course you’ll have a tremendous information in your brain about how to improve your facial features. You’ll start developing your facial bones and muscles and results are guaranteed

2. One Step Closer to Your Dream Physique

It’s a Ebook which has all the information about Diet and Workout. You’ll be able to customise your Diet and Workout by your self.

3. Workout Schedule

If you want a Masculine Face than most probably you also want an athletic body and to build that you’ll need a workout program. That’s why we’re also providing a Workout Program so that you don’t have to watch thousands of YT videos about it.

4. Skin Care Routine

After you develop your Facial Bone and Muscles with the help of those 7 Chapters, you’ll also need a good skin care routine to enhance your looks.
All the products and how to use them will be mentioned in this part.

August 2024 Update – Hair Care

No matter how good your Jawline and face looks, if you have bad hair or styling is not proper then you’ll look ugly.

In August Update, You’ll get to know everything about:
1. Anatomy of hair.
2. How to Shampoo, Conditioner and Oil your hair properly.
3. How to make your hair silky.
4. How to add volume.
5. How to cure Baldness, Hairfall, Dandruff, White hair.
6. How to look good as a Bald Man.

7. How to find a Perfect Hairstyle.
And many more things.

This is the Perfect time to Start your Journey with us.

All these in just ₹899 Only.

₹749/- Only.

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